Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New Job = No Time to Blog

I'm so sorry, I feel like I've neglected you. I hate going onto someone's blog and seeing that it hasn't been updated in, like, six months. Now I've become that person. That's not what blogs are for. They're all about updating regularly. And I haven't been regular. So sorry.

I'm actually writing this on my lunch break, just to squeeze a post in. But don't worry, LisaGaumond.com isn't going into hiding. I've got plenty of stuff churning around in my head. There are a few new painting ideas pounding on the inside of my skull, I have to finish Flannery and Nate's save the date card, I have TWO commissions to make jewelry for wedding parties, oh and that sleep thing. I'll have to fit that in sometime, too.

Have you noticed that it's February? Yeah, me neither. February in Connecticut should be cold and bitter but it's been mild and wonderful. We actually went out for a motorcycle ride on Saturday and it was AWESOME! Every week or so, I have a dream about riding my motorcycle, or Luke's motorcycle, or a giant yellow motorcycle, or any type of two-wheeled fun machine, and the feeling of being back riding so amazing. This winter I've really missed old Bessie and her rattles and her get-up-and-go. But on Saturday, I got to hop on her and go for my first ever February ride. We bundled up and took off cautiously since we live down a lo-o-ong dirt driveway and just getting to the street is usually the most dangerous part of any ride. We rode for about an hour until the wind picked up and I lost feeling in my hands. It was so worth it.

This ride was not only inspired by the beautiful weather, but also the morning AND afternoon spent in
the motorcycle shop in Saturday where Luke bought a new toy. Thanks to the patient guys at Gengras and hello to Ed, our awesome salesguy. Now when do I get my new bike?

Hang in there, there's plenty more news and pictures and updating to come. Thanks for visiting.

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