Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Anyone still reading? Sorry I've been gone so long. A combination of work, a few days off to rest and relax, more insanely busy work, and my forgetfullness led to several dead days of Artsy Fartsy. Sorry about that. I have so many things to share but, as I said, I forgot to grab my memory card before I left the house and all the images are still at home.

Here, just imagine...

I finished my hat finally and I love it. It fits perfectly, I'm now a hat-making machine.

I'm working on a new painting to submit to the Hartford Art School Alumni Small Works Show at the Joseloff Gallery. It's a cute little painting I think I'm going to call "My Sleeping Problem".

There are several new gift sets in my jewelry shop on Etsy. Etsy is also changing its format this weekend and will soon be even more awesome than before, I can't wait. So don't try to shop this weekend - the site will be own - but next week go and enjoy!

I also have more pictures of Peanut and Molly's new haircut. Lots of pretty things to look at. Too bad the pictures are at home. Sigh.

Well thanks for being patient. I'll be back to my semi-daily posting schedule soon.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

welcome back!