Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Party Girl

On Saturday, my neighbors held a memorial service at their house for a sister who died last month and we went to lend our support. Molly thinks that she lives at both our house and our neighbors' house, so I knew she would be fine on her own all day. I put on her fancy collar and added a purple bandana to dress up her outfit, and we all walked over to join the service.

Molly spent the day visiting and comforting, licking and begging. She snuggled with those who needed a snuggle. She tolerated the cute little girls who followed her around pulling her tail, she gently woofed at the door to tell anyone nearby to let her in or out, please. She cracked me up. She spent the day greeting everyone, ignoring no one, and it was hilarious to me to hear peopple I don't know say to one another, "that's Molly, she lives next door". She was a doggie ambassador that day and I am so proud.

So who thinks I should change my blog title to "Me, My Dog, and My Friend's Dogs" since that's all I seem to talk about lately?


Flann said...

Look at that face. :)

I love all the dog posts. I live vicariously through all of you until we can bring a little love nugget of our own home.

Unknown said...

I love that new blog title!!!

Amanda said...

hmm, that blog title sounds familiar.