Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Barf is All Around Me

Everyone I know who has kids seems to be suffering with some nasty little stomach bug at the moment. My sister's kids were sick this weekend, my boss's visiting grandkids were sick, a boy at the grocery store got sick in the aisle right next to me - almost ON me. Then yesterday my boss was home sick and I woke up early this morning to a restless Luke who thought he was going to throw up. Great. I'm trying to hold my breath, not touch anything, and use Clorox wipes on everything. I really don't want this.


Unknown said...


That's it. I'm never going grocery shopping again!

Flann said...

Ewwwwwww. I never want to throw up again. The second-to-last time I wound up in the hospital and the last time I caused a sizeable hemorrhage in the back of my eye. It's bad news, I tell you!