Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Obviously Not Bold Enough

On Flannery's recommendation, I bought myself a pair of new glasses from Zenni Optical and here they are. Bright, no? Sorry about the ghostly pallor of the photo. Mostly that's my real skin tone, but it's accentuated nicely by the flash and the bad lighting in my office.

I figured, since Zenni's glasses were so incredibly cheap, I could afford to get myself some fun glasses. I've always wanted to have a selection of glasses to pick from every morning. I've had the same pair for three years now and, as nice as they are, sometimes I'm just sick of them. Just for fun, I ordered new glasses. RED glasses. And hardly anyone has noticed.

A few people close to me noticed right away and had mixed reactions. My neighbor made fun of her husband for not noticing the difference by saying "how could you NOT notice??" My sister said "you have new glasses - do you like them?" which I think meant that she didn't like them, and my nephew really wanted to know where my old glasses were. My mom politely noticed and Luke called me Harry Potter when he saw them for the first time. Surprisingly though, no one else has noticed.

My boss keeps looking at me strangely like she suspects something is different but just can't place it. Other people I work alongside haven't said a thing either. It's not that I want everyone to notice, I'm not that narcissistic, I just thought they were hugely different and hard to miss.

Either way, I love them. They're fun and I'm off to order another pair from Zenni. If you wear glasses, I would highly recommend them. These red beauties only cost me $30, including shipping. Less than 10% of a pair at the local eyeglass shop!


Amanda said...

I totally would have noticed. I like them a lot!

Optimistic Diva said...

Awesome! I've always wanted to have a glasses collection - like shoes or hats. I'm totally checking out that site.

Flann said...

Aren't they just awesome?

Love the new glasses! I, too, have dreamed of a glasses collection. Sometimes you just need something different!

Unknown said...

I totally LOVE them. You gook great in them. Hard to imagine, but I'm jealous. Never fails, you have straight hair and you want curly. Have have curly hair and you want straight. I wore glasses and dreamed of laser surgery to have the freedom of no glasses. Now that I can see, I miss the extra accessories!! I just can't win. But that's OK. It won't be long before this old lady needs reading glasses!

Karen June said...

LOVE shape and color...I want glasses!