Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Infidelity

Blogger, I just have to get it off my chest: I've been cheating on you.

I feel terrible. His name is VOX and I've spent a lot of time with him today, but I really think it was just a fling. You're my real true love. He seemed all new and flashy and had some cool features that you're lacking, but you're so much more fun to be around. You're easier to manipulate and customize and really, isn't that what we all want in a partner... uh, blog.

I tried it. I was sucked in to the new, try it now, invitation only, new! new! new! blogging service, VOX. I scored myself an invitation and I spent a whole lot of time playing with it today, but I don't think I'm going to change. It seemed cool at first, I've always liked the book and music recommendation columns, like all Typepad accounts seem to have, and VOX has a cool photos links area that I liked, but the template can't be manipulated, the code can't be changed, and I can't find anywhere to add links to other sites I like, or my banners for Flickr, or Etsy, or the Croncast 300 by the 300th (have you all signed up, huh? huh?). So I think I'll stay with Blogger. Maybe I'll keep my VOX account for photos or something. Heck, who am I kidding? I'm barely finding time lately to update ONE blog, how am I going to keep up with two?

If you're interested in peeking at the VOX blog wile it lasts, there's one post and I've already changed the template twenty-seven times. I'll probably change it a few more before I'm happy and then I'll go and delete my account. I'm an idiot. But you can see for yourself here.

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