Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Necklaces Available Soon!

Soon to come in my Etsy shop: a new selection of kids' necklaces (or necklaces for those with small necks and a love of fun colors). Hopefully I can get them listed today. I have three right now, there will be more very soon. The necklaces are all about 12-inches long and this one, pictured above, features a funky handmade pendant. Cool!

And a knittng update: I decided to count my stitches last night, thinking that this hat was really freakin' big and I found out that I had somehow managed to double the number of stitches I needed. What the heck? I had to pull it all apart and start over, which actually worked out well because I was able to untangle my yarn and wind it into a ball like I should have in the beginning. Practice makes perfect! (It also makes some serious frustration, but hey, let's focus on the positive.)

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