Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I always complain about those blathering people out there who need to have their Internet access taken away who think that everyone cares about the random thoughts in their tiny little heads.

Now I'm one of those people. And now I know why they blather - it's Blogger's fault. It was too easy to create this blog. Way too easy. Like, six-clicks-and-you're-done-no-knowledge-or-creativity-needed easy. Thanks Blogger, and look out Internet. Here I come!

Welcome to my blog, The LisaGaumond.com Blog (since I couldn't think of another, more creative title). This is the place to find out what's new, what's shakin' and what I've been up to. I'll try to post as often as I can but I'm not promising anything.

Thanks for reading and check back soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Lisa, this is pretty cool. You make a perfect blogger. Maybe I will have to start reading a blog after all. If there was any blog in the world that I would actually take the time . . . it would be yours. So get busy and start writing!!