Monday, August 07, 2006

What a Weekend

My friend Amanda usually posts weekend recaps, or precaps, actually, on her blog talking about what she’s planning to do for the weekend and for this weekend, I feel compelled to do the same. It was a great weekend (even though I missed my friend Flannery's bridal shower).

Friday, I met my family at Max Amore in Glastonbury and then went over to Saint Joseph’s College to see our favorite play of all time – Forever Plaid. If you’ve never seen Forever Plaid, do yourself a favor and find it playing somewhere. It is hilarious and sweet and there’s great music from the 60’s. You’ll laugh till it hurts, I promise.

Saturday we had a barbecue at my friend Paula’s house to attend. Paula and her husband Karlo have been working their butts off this summer to transform their back yard into a Zen oasis, complete with fish ponds and a wooden bridge across them. This BBQ was the official christening of the back yard and it was a great time. Luke, Molly and I hung out and relaxed there until after 10 that night when they had to kick us out. Since Paula and Karlo live less than a quarter of a mile from our house, we all rode up there on Luke’s motorcycle (even Molly). This was Molly’s second trip to Paula’s on the motorcycle and she loved it. She laid on my lap and stuck her head out so her floppy ears caught the wind. She was in puppy heaven.

Sunday, we finally went for a nice motorcycle ride. Poor Luke was sick of me complaining that I never get to go for fun rides anymore. Every time I go for a ride, it’s to go to the Harley shop for parts or five hours on the highway in the rain. I invited some friends and my dad and we rode out to The Vanilla Bean Café in Pomfret. Everyone I know has been out there and told me that I need to go – I would love it. Well I sure did. It was a perfect morning and we had a nice ride out there. We ordered our yummy dishes and sat outside in the sun. It was perfect. The inside is cool, it’s like an old barn with funky decorations. There’s art on the walls and neat details everywhere. The food was excellent. I had the wild rice and corn pancakes benedict – dee-licious! And while we were eating, along came the most adorable, gigantic dog carrying the tiniest little toy in her mouth. It was Stella, the Bean’s resident café dog. She’s an English Bull Mastiff and she was all sweetness. She flopped down next to us and played with her little toy until we were finished eating and could get down on the ground and scratch her ears and have a chat with her. She was too cute. We left our perfect breakfast spot and headed home. Dad lead the way and we saw some great twists and turns and roads I didn’t even know existed. We parted ways and headed to our home to get ready for phase 2 of our Sunday.

We met our friends Dave and Sharon at the Main Pub for a lovely light lunch outside. Eating outside really makes you feel like you’re on vacation. It was great. Then we headed up to Main Street in Manchester where they were holding the annual car show. The town closes a section of Main Street to auto traffic and they fill the streets with old cars and music and vendors. It was ridiculously hot but we walked up and down the street, bumped into several people we knew, ate ice cream, and saw some beautiful cars. Luke said he wouldn’t build me a Nash Metropolitan – they’re so cute! But he’d consider building me a Karmen Ghia – almost as cute. This is, of course, after we win the lottery and he builds his Highboy first.

After the car show, we went home and relaxed, watched a couple of movies, made dinner and hung out. A nice way to end a great weekend!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Your recaps are much better and more interesting than mine!