Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Don't You Love Ads on Blogs?

Yesterday I decided, what the heck. I know I only get about 30 people a day reading my blog, but maybe that's enough traffic to raise a little shoe-shopping cash via Google AdSense. I added the little nifty ad bar to the top if the page yesterday when I wrote about cheating on Blogger with VOX and the first recommended ad link was "Infidelity". I wonder where that would have taken me. I'm prohibited from clicking my own ads so I couldn't find out. I hope you don't mind the new ad format, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do, you know. The shoes don't just buy themselves.


Amanda said...

Look at you, fancypants! I have like, 3 people reading my blog!

lgaumond said...

What happened to Mark Ruffalo? He stopped commenting. Maybe he's still reading though. Or maybe he realized that you were married and wouldn't e going out for drinks with him anytime soon.

Amanda said...

Yes, I think you're right about that!