Monday, October 30, 2006


I thought I'd try something new. New and scary.

(Don't try this at home - close-up shots of your own forehead are really rather frightening.)

After:Wow, that's one big forehead. I'm still getting used to feeling the hair tickling my face and I think that everyne is looking at me and thinking I have 80's hair, but I should get over that.

Thanks to all the Halloween movies on TV this weekend, I realized yesterday that I now have Gina Davis's hair from Beetlejuice. Great.


Amanda said...

I would like to see a picture of your whole face so I can really see what your new 'do looks like!

Flann said...

I agree, we need to see the whole thing!

I, too, have a gigantic forehead. I've never thought yours was particularly large, though. Not as huge as mine! I used to have bangs all the time to cover it, then I got sick of them, so I grew them out. Now I sort of want them again ... but then I remember the long, painful growing-out process and I decide to think it over some more.