Monday, October 23, 2006

You're Making Me Look Bad

OK, people, it's time to help out your pal Lisa and possibly score yourself a brand new iPod. And, no, this isn't one of those pop-up ads promising free iPods and Applebee's gift certificates; this one's for real.

Remember this?Well in case you need a reminder, one of my regular podcasts (and probably my favorite) is Croncast. I'm a fairly new listener, but shortly after I started, they announced a contest. They want to have 300 listeners by their 300th show, which should happen in early November. The way the contest goes, I recommend the show to you. You sign up as a new listener, paste some info into your iTunes or other podcast software, and you're entered to win. If you're the 300th new listener, you'll win a new 30GB iPod, and so will I, since I recommended you. I'm pretty sure there will also be a random drawing of all the new listeners and that person, along with the recommender, will also win a 30GB iPod.

So what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose. You not only get to hear some incredibly funny stuff straight from your iPod or computer three times a week - you could also win some lovely goodies! And to make it even better, the 250th listener and recommender will win an iPod shuffle (or similar small MP3 player).

Have you signed up yet? Don't lie, I know you haven't. This is where you make me look bad. There's a weekly round-up of how many new listeners there are and the breakdown of who recommended how many new listeners. Waaaaaaay down at the bottom of the list is LisaLisa (that's me) with 1 lousy new listener. And that was Luke, so it doesn't even count!

See? Don't they look like nice people? That's my cut and pasted Photoshop collage of Betsy and Kris. I stole the photos from their website, hope they don't mind.

I'm not asking you to join my Amway pyramid scam, I'm just asking you to sign up and try out a new podcast that you will most definitely love.

It's hard to describe the show to someone who has never listened. It's just Kris and Betsy talking about life. I've got it... it's like Seinfeld. Remember Seinfeld? It was a show about nothing. The characters just talked about life and the crazy stuff that happens on a daily basis. That's exactly what Kris and Betsy do, but instead of New York, they're living in Naperville, IL. Instead of the puffy shirt, there's puffy cuffs! Instead of Newman, there's crazy Goodwill people! Instead of Kramer, there's Zeus! Are you intrigued? You should be.

Ready to sign up? It's easy.
1.) Click on the red rectangle on the right hand column of my blog, or go to and click on the "300 by the 300th" banner
2.) Fill in the little form, and where it asks for the handle of the person who referred you, type "LisaLisa"
3.) After you submit your registration, you'll get some code that you have to paste into iTunes - copy it.
4.) Now go to iTunes. Click on Advanced from your top menu. Click on "Open Stream" and you'll get a blank window. Paste your code in there. That's it!
5.) Now search for "Croncast". Two will come up, choose either, they're both the same. Click on "Subscribe" and download away! Then listen, laugh and get hooked just like I did.

Now cross your fingers and hope that we win! Mama needs some good news to brighten her day. A brand spanking new iPod sure would help.

1 comment:

Flann said...

I'm sorry! I just haven't gotten on board the podcast train. I don't even do talk tadio! I just like music. I'm so old-fashioned, I know.