Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Routine

My friend Keith just got his very own blog, and since he mentioned in his first post how he was "inspired" by my pointless ramblings, I thought I'd gain some inspriation from his newest post about his morning ritual. His routine is, of course, all geeky and Canadian, but mine... well who am I kidding, mine's pretty geeky, too.

First, just like Keith, I need coffee. But I'm not a coffee snob. I don't need any maple syrup-roasted beans seasoned with fresh Canadian air. I'm happy to take anything in a cup that has caffiene and resembles coffee in the slightest bit.

Next, music. I open up my friend iTunes and pick my favorite morning playlist that I like to call "mellow". Jack Johnson, Jehro, Ray LaMontagne and maybe a little G. Love start my morning off right. OK, time for my next ritual.

Blogs. Yes, I love blogs. And I read a lot of them, too. My friends have them so I have to read those and keep up on what's going on with them. Then there are the friends I feel like I have even though I've never met these people - Dooce, Pamie, those guys. I've been reading their blogs for years and I know more about them than I do about some of my close friends. Weird, huh?

I tried to do a little screenshot of my bookmarks toolbar so you could see the order I go in, but it's too darn long to fit in the little blog window. So here it is:

Dooce | Pamie | Ultratart | Cute Overload | Mediacrity | Me, My Dogs, My Life | Optimistic Diva | Keith's blog which has a really long name | Spewing 4th Art | Loobylu | Go Fug Yourself | SimplyJune | Resale Queen

By the time I've gotten through those, I've had my fill of life in Utah, life in LA, cute pictures of animals, funny comments on celebrity outfits, art, crafts, eBay hijinks, and all my friend updates. It's a well-rounded morning. Then I check my email and go to Blogger to update my own blog(s).

And then I stare at my monitor for a while and decide what to do next. Maybe I'll check the blogs again, it's much earlier on the West Coast, maybe Dooce and Pamie have a new update now...

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