Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Small Plastic Battle

For some reason, I've been visiting a lot of thrift shops lately. Maybe it's the after-Christmas no-money-to-spend situation, maybe it's that I love to hunt. I just love old stuff and the potential of digging around and finding something really cool for really cheap. Like a bag of plastic cowboys and indians for 99 cents.

I found a new Salvation Army store on the way home from work and I seem to end up there at least twice a week. I also just discovered the Goodwill store, which I had never before been to. Big excitement. The Salvation Army store had this bag o' plastic guys under a table, in a basket, beneath a bunch of old, smelly toys. And I found it! I thought that my nephews might like to play with them when they visit, but Luke and I had a good time ourselves setting them all up when I got them home.

It turns out that, not only do I have an assortment of small cowboys, horses, and indians, I also have a teeny-tiny assortment of the same cowboys and indians, a teeny llama, a teeny donkey, and a teeny camel. Because everyone knows that cowboys rode camels. And indians... rode llamas? There appears to be a shortage of small horses and we had to double up the cowboys on the saddles, which Luke likes to call "Brokeback-style" but which I just call teamwork.


Flann said...

Your last paragraph, and last line especially, make this post A+ awesome.

Karen June said...

I like to call it thrift store therapy...I love a great bargain and an unusual find!