Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I pinch.

Have you seen the recent commercial for the Honda Element? The one with the crab? If you haven't (and even if you have) you should treat yourself to this link: I Pinch. Luke and I are now bruised everywhere from sneaking up on eachother and saying like the crab "I peench!" or "maybe little peench?" or "why no peench?" Yes, we're cruel. And easily amused.

This little guy on the left won't pinch. He's a little sketchy sketch I did for a postcard announcing our third annual motorcycle campout and crawfish jambalaya extravaganza. We host a campout for my dad's motorcycle "gang" every July and the first year I wowed them all by catching crayfish in the river and making jambalaya out of them. Y-U-U-M-M-Y! So now it's tradition. Catching them is 90% of the fun. Peeling the little buggers sure isn't a party. You can see a slideshow of last year's festivities here, just click on the "DHMC Sweaty Boobs" (that's the old name for it, the summer version of the "Frosty Nutz" trip they take to Vermont in October - it will be renamed this year).

1 comment:

Flann said...

Haha, we do the "I pinch" thing to each other, too!