Monday, May 08, 2006

Misery Loves Company

Looks like someone else is freaking out about an upcoming birthday. One of my regular blog reads, the very funny Ultratart. Hey, at least I'm younger than she is!

Sorry the blog's been photo-free lately. My home computer is still in three different rooms of my house, patiently awaiting its new desk which my wonderful hubby will build for me this week, so I have to bring my pictures to work to upload. This scheme was working fine until impending old age or the large amount of pain-killers I was on last week caused me to jam my CF card into the reader backwards and bend the pins. CRAP! Now I can't get it to work and I have buy a new one.

I promise I do have some new things to show you, like my newly redecorated, reorganized, refloored studio and the new necklace design I'm adding to the line. I like naming my jewelry after friends who inspired it (like the"Christy") so I think I'm going to call this one the "Mandi" after my cousin who was wearing a Lia Sophia necklace that inspired me to create my own. So just imagine how fabulous everything looks right now and I will post pictures for you very soon!


Amanda said...

I am going to pretend that you are naming the Mandi after me, too.

lgaumond said...

I was thinking of naming a bracelet after you, actually!